A small gift of money is distributed annually on Maundy Thursday to elderly people on a limited income and who live within the limits of the old Borough of Dunstable.
TRUSTEES As at March 2024
CO-OPTATIVE TRUSTEES (5 year term of office)
Mrs Patricia Staples
REPRESENTATIVE TRUSTEES (4 year term of office)
Cllr Mr Peter Hollick
Cllr Mrs Liz Jones
Clerk: Mrs Julie Tipler 01582 660008
Normal Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Charity Reg. No. 236805
An Easter Gift of a small amount of money is distributed annually by the Dunstable Poor’s Land Charity on Maundy Thursday (The Thursday before Easter)
The grant is available to elderly people on Pension Credit or Housing Benefit who currently reside within the old borough of Dunstable. Only one grant per household is available.
If you think you qualify for the grant or know of anybody who might be eligible, please contact me on 01582 660008 and I will explain how to apply to the Trustees to be included in this year’s distribution.
Julie Tipler
Clerk to the Trustees.